Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Closing Out SAGA Convention

The last two days of convention I took classes from Jeannie Baumeister of the Old Fashioned Baby. Saturday's Class was Petticoats for Babies and Toddlers. This is a picture I took recently. Sadly my camera card had a hiccup a I had limited photo capabilities the last few days.( A situation that was remedied before we left for Italy.) As you can see I didn't get much accomplished in class that day. I had entered full-on panic mode over the christnening gown. So I was "one of those students" who marched to my own drummer that day. I was smocking and featherstitching. It was a very useful class. I was listening and learned a lot, just didn't get a chance to execute it while there. I promise to finish it soon.

Saturday night is a highlight of the week, banquet. And while everyone enjoys seeing the new board installed and saying farewell to the outgoing board, what they really want to see are

is their name drawn for the many coveted raffle baskets. Members, businesses and chapters donate baskets each year to be raffled at convention. It is one of the highlights of the week. Unless you are like me and they didn't call your name! Oh well, there is next year.

Sunday's class wrapped the week up again with Jeannie Baumeister with a hand embroidery class called Flower Initials. Very sweet embroidery on a linen hand towel that will be made into a gift for someone.

All in all it was a wonderful week. I learned a lot and had great fun.

But hands down what makes the week for me are the people. It is like one great big slumber party with eating and stitching thrown in. These are just a few of the faces I look forward to seeing each year and this is a fraction of them. Until next fall when I will zip off to California to do it all over again.

1 comment:

  1. Waaaaa....I wanna go!! You make the classes sound so interesting, Martha & the rest of the experience has to be just incredible.

    I think its wonderful that SAGA rotates the areas where they hold their conventions. Makes it nice for those who live on the edges of our country. I missed my chance to attend when they held it in the MIDDLE! (Indianapolis) I could have driven!
    *sigh* One of these days


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