Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Update on the suspected laundry

No that was NOT baby daughter's laundry! That massive pile was just a  portion of her belongings that fit in one of the two cars plus a U-Haul driven from Louisiana. I didn't show the rest of the first floor that was also clogged with the rest of her "stuff." She has moved back home and is in search of new employment. They always come back with way more than they left with. I will admit she is making quick headway in putting it away. I knew I should have moved my sewing room into her old room a little more quickly. I won't procrastinate so much next time.


  1. you have my sympathies :)(wink)

  2. I meant on the sewing room!!!
    Three of ours have done that plus the daughter of a cousin!!!

  3. My kids came home and multiplied!

  4. Wishing you much love and fun with baby girl home. And also wishing a quick employment and departure for her! [wink] Having one left at home is all I can stand...but he does help his momma.

    Lenten blessings to you. Karin

  5. Oh..but only by the Grace of God do all of us face this sweet dilemma!

  6. How funny that I stumbled upon your blog! I just realized that we have spoken to each other via Flickr! Love your blog! Thanks for sharing

  7. Been there and done that! My last one just moved out for the fifth time but he left most of his stuff! I just don't get it! I feel for you. We love them but......

  8. Dh practically begs ours to stay, I'm happy to have them, but at a certain point, I encourage them to be independent. On the other hand, I'm getting more and more nervous for them in this economy. Love the fishing romper, BTW.

  9. Thanks for the laugh. After ours "ping ponging" back and forth for over 10 years (even son-in-law!) we downsized by half! It is not nearly as comfortable to stay with mom and dad now......

  10. I am sooooooooo glad that I am not the only one, just when I thought that I was the only one out here who has children that love extended visits. Oh, an by the way, not to burst your bubble, but moving into their room when they leave has not been sucsessful for me. Matter of fact it has inhibbited my late night sewing and that is my best work. We really need to get our heads together and come up with a really good solution.


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