Thursday, July 9, 2009

And the linen continues...

Are you beginning to feel like this is the project that won't end? Kind of like the switchover to DTV (or other recent non-stop coverage I am sick of.) Well here is the next installment in the linen daygown. I have 5 squares netted. 3 completely embroidered. I need to get crackin'! I want to enter it in the fair. I also need to get some smocked things done for the fair. YIKES!

I kind of hit a snag, I lost my do-lolly. ( I did not purchase it at the link provided, but it gives you the info you need to find it at your own cross stitch, needlework shop.) When I bought this trinket about 12 years ago, I admit that I bought it just because Eva Lou did. If she bought it, then I needed to buy it. You know how that goes. I am pretty certain I didn't pay $31 for it. I have taken it out on occasion but never really thought that it was a necessity or could get the hang of using it. Well it has become a necessity for this project. Thanks Sarah M! I finally found it in the crevice of the sofa. The sofa I don't sit on. Not really sure how it got there, but it has been found. You would be amazed at the other stuff I found too!

A couple of parting shots. This past weekend we made a fly by trip the new Lincoln museum and also his home site. We didn't make it into the library. We will have to go back for that. Our family are museum people anyway, but as far as museums go, this one is whizzbang!!!!! Really done well. And since it is the bicentennial of Abraham Lincoln's birth they have even more going on. If you get to Springfield, IL it is well worth it.


  1. Martha, I am impressed with your your progress. So, do you just get up in the morning and start pulling?! Or do you clean the kitchen first? Exactly how do you use the dololly for this project? I visited Springfield when I was 10 or 12. We visited Hannibal on the same trip so Abe & Tom are sort of mixed together in my memories! By the way thanks for the link to my web site in an earlier post.

  2. Martha,
    You are sickening, it's a good thing I love you so. :-)
    Please explain the use of the do-lolly, I don't know how its used.

    Keep working, it's going to be stunning, as are all your things.


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