Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hey Aim!!!!!

Progress made baby girl.

Yes my DD today was a little put out on the phone today when I was telling her about how I was gathering info, examples, pictures etc. for the next christening gown's Grandma. She was afraid I had thrown everything to the wind because a cg had come on the horizon. NOT!!!! This sweet bishop is on its way upstairs to be blocked so that I can start on construction tomorrow. That is what is nice about an infant sized bishop in a simple geometric. Give me a few nights of good TV and I can smock away. I am anxious to see how it turns out. I am torn as to whether I think the green floss is a little too yellow. But I like it. This little bishop is for her beau's Goddaughter. Since she is coming home for Easter my goal is to have it constructed so she can take it back with her on Monday. The things we do.

On a more serious note, in less than two days we enter into the holiest of holy days of the church year. Triduum. I love these days. The sights, sounds, smells, music and images of these days remind me once again that we are an Easter people.

My favorite is night prayer late late on Holy Thursday. The church is quiet and dark except for a spare light or two on the tabernacle.

To gather together in quiet prayer a few voices reciting night prayer together. To leave the church and the world is cool, dark and almost quiet. Love it.

Then the gravity of Good Friday. What a gift Good Friday is. Yes a gift, we can't have Easter without it. How easy it can be to enter into a Good Friday mindset for so many. We often relate to the crucifixion in our lives more easily than the fact that we are a Resurrection people; as I said before we are an Easter people. God's chosen ones, loved, forgiven and redeemed. A great homily I heard once, "...they laid him in the tomb because it was close at hand, but praise be to heaven, now the tomb is empty!"

And Easter Vigil! The grand kahuna of liturgies. The fire, the dark, the lighting of the Easter candle, the lights coming on all at once. The sound of water, the smell of incense and chrism. The joy on those brought into the church. Reminding us that we have a gift of faith that they too want to share.

My prayers are with you all as we celebrate the gift of redemption. As we once again are reminded of who we are and why we are.

The tomb was close at hand, but praise be to heaven, now the tomb is empty!


  1. The colors are perfect on your little bishop. It will be gorgeous, I am sure.

    Your Easter thoughts are lovely. Thank you for sharing.

  2. We are Protestant, Presbyterian to be exact. We celebrate Holy Week much the same way. We joined another church fro a pancake supper on Shrove Tuesday, had an Ash Wed. service. Tonight our choir is doing the Easter Cantata again, we already did it on Palm Sunday. Then tomorrow night is a Maundy Thurs. service. On Good Friday the churches in town join together for the Way of the Cross. Folks join together at one church and parade through town (very small town) with one man carrying the cross on his back. Then of course we have a Sunrise Easter service and a GLORIOUS Easter morning service at church. I am so filled with feeling and emotion throughout Lent.
    The bishop is so pretty. I think the green looks great. I've only made a few bishop style dresses, but I like making them.


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