Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Luxurious Vintage Smocking

Some things are just so glamorous, they never go out of style. I can see Jean Harlow decked out in this gorgeous vintage peignoir set from the 1930's. It is from silk chiffon and features honeycomb smocking on the yokes, shoulders, wrist and waist.

It is beautiful how the honeycomb smocking controls the fullness without being overpowering.

It is amazing the things that come up on ebay.

Just beautiful. Not sure how the color originally played, but this soft cloud pink is so dreamy. Just a peek into a vintage treasure. Click on the link below each picture to see even more of this wonderful vintage find.


  1. Wow that is beautiful... makes me feel perfectly grotesque having slept in pjs and a sweatshirt!

  2. Gorgeous. Wonder how long it took to smock. Bet the needle went through the fabric 'like buttah'!
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  3. Stunning! I would have purchased it in a heartbeat!

  4. be still my heart!!!!

  5. Isn't that just an amazing peignoir set! I loved it the minute I saw it. :P


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