Thursday, July 3, 2008

Almost Done

Here are a couple of pics. I am almost finished. I was so glad to have the embroidery finished while I was on retreat, that I just had to wash it. The only thing I had to wash it with was shampoo. I wish I had taken a picture of it before. It is amazing what a bath and an iron can do for a piece.

Note that the dark spot in the lower right hand corner must be from the camera, all of the pictures I took had it on there. That is something I am finding to amazing, the number of pictures you have to take in order to get some that work for you. A friend had told me that and I didn't have the experience that it was true. If you takes lots and lots of shots you will get some that work.


  1. Martha - it's amazingly beautiful!!

  2. Thanks. I am anxious to get it sewn together. It is cool that when using one piece of linen after you get the embroidery and hemstitching done you are almost there. Maybe tomorrow I will get some time.

  3. That is gorgeous... love the work you put into it. Now will you really want a baby to wear it and spit up on it or worse??? :)

  4. Thanks and you know I do. I don't care what the baby does on it or in it. As long as a baby wears it! LOL, linen has been around a lot longer than Shout so I am thinking it is safe. :)


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