Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Birthday Dress and Other Happenings

I did catch a few moments over the weekend to stitch a bit. The birthday dress is well under way. Good thing, her birthday is next week and portraits are a week from Saturday!

The front bodice is finished and

the back bodices are well on their way. You may notice a dark lump in the picture.

Just as I tried to take the picture, someone else had other ideas. A certain kitty has been feeling neglected for several days. Not only am I trying to get a birthday dress done but the house has been a construction zone.

Lots of this going on; tiling, sanding, staining etc. More about all that in another post.

Now I am off to attack this. DUST, on every horizontal surface in this house from the weekend project of refinishing the entry way floor. Painters are coming tomorrow.

We did take time to celebrate the 4th. Here is a shot of a sleepy, sno-cone discovering, pj wearing, fireworks watcher. Look at that blue chin.

A parting shot.


  1. Aren't cats great! They just have to be the center of attention... except when you want them to be! Can't wait to see the finished product!

  2. Your household does look busy! Your birthday girl is adorable...can't wait to see her dress. :)

    psst...i started blogging again...

  3. It's always good to have helpers, isn't it? It looks to be a lovely dress, and I take it that it will washable, with all the dust around.

  4. Related posts:
    Me, Erin, and Robert E. Lee.
    That is fantastic.

  5. Your darling granddaughter is growing up so fast! I can't wait to see the finished First B-Day dress. I love the design in that old CN. There is a TON of handwork in that dress!


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