Saturday, May 7, 2011

Ramblings of an Empty Mind

I got nothing. I am currently working on a christening gown from a vintage wedding gown. Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out of my comfort zone, but it is coming together. I will have pictures soon. You know those projects that take way longer to ruminate over than they do to stitch? That has been this one. So in the meantime some treasures I found while avoiding the task at hand.

This is a BRAVE woman. Never in a 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 years would I post a picture of my rear end with a bow over it! Besides, I would need one of those bows they show on new cars at Christmas time to be even remotely proportional to my rear end. Hers on the other hand is quite attractive in her new apron.

I have been known to spend time on less than useful projects. Next time I am accused of that I am going to send this picture to the offender. I mean it is cute, and a GREAT rendition of the real thing in felt. Just not sure what the purpose is, besides you can.
No comment. You can't make me.


These little birds made me smile.

What four year old wouldn't love these wings?

And because we know I love a christening gown, ran across this on google images. A portrait of a baby in her gown. Gorgeous.

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