Thursday, June 18, 2009

Home again #2

the view from my bedroom window at Marsh House on Avery Island

I am home from the land of live oaks and magnolias or as I like to call it, "The Great Louisiana Thread Pull." Promises to be much more fun than a tractor pull in my opinion.

Just one of the most beautiful flowers in the world in my opinion

Gown is 99% finished so I don't have long to chat. I would have gotten it finished last night but had to stop at 10 o'clock and walk baby daughter through how to sew shoulder seams in a facing over the phone. Try that one, it is a challenge. I ended up just drawing it out and taking pictures. Will get the gown finished and the slip made today and will have proper photographs tomorrow.

Just a quick peek

My impromptu sewing lesson from last night. It doesn't get anymore crude as far as example goes than this.


  1. Please fill us in on some details of your wonderful sewing adventure on Avery Island. I am living vicariously.

  2. Oh, the gown is lovely - can't wait to see more details! Glad you enjoyed your thread-pulling trip! :)

  3. I will leave the thread pulling to you. :) Would love to visit the island though. The gown is looking good. Get finished will you, I am being patient and not calling until you do!

  4. Beautiful view from the window. The gown is so pretty!

  5. The gown is looking gorgeous!

    And I don't think the pictures are crude at all, but I was kind of puzzled by what you were trying to impart to your dd. Okay, I'm far from an expert, but it's been a while since I've been a beginner as well.


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